Protecting assets and infrastructure from ever increasing threats is an ongoing challenge, with the need for fast, accurate and real-time notification of perimeter security breaches never more critical. Whether a perimeter is 10 meters long or more than 500 kilometres, both require a solution that delivers a high probability of detection with minimal nuisance alarms. FFT offers world leading solutions for protecting perimeters of all lengths.
Fibre optic cables can be attached to any type of fence to detect and pinpoint the location of disturbances including cutting, climbing and lifting. Utilising advanced signal processing, nuisance alarms can be minimised without compromising intrusion detection sensitivity.
Fibre optic cables can be buried to detect and pinpoint the location of disturbances for sites with limited physical delineation. The cable is laid in a variety of patterns dependent on the performance requirements. FFT’s covert buried solution can detect even the smallest vibration for example walking, crawling, digging or vehicle movement.
Pipelines are susceptible to a range of threats - from accidental or deliberate digging to illegal tapping and tampering. Operators require a solution that detects Third Party Interference (TPI) before the pipeline is breached or damaged. Real-time, accurate location information is also critical to inform the dispatch of security and maintenance staff to prevent pipeline damage and theft.
FFT’s pipeline protection solution detects and locates intrusions and TPI anywhere along thousands of kilometres of buried pipeline, in real-time, before actual damage occurs. FFT utilizes a fiber optic cable (new or existing) installed above the pipeline as the sensor, detecting and pinpointing the exact intrusion location. FFT’s industry leading advanced signal processing minimizes nuisance alarms, without compromising the sensitivity of the system.
Organizations today face a challenging and constantly changing cyber security landscape, requiring a comprehensive 360-degree approach to data security. Network Management Systems (NMS) typically focus on higher-level network protocols and transactions leaving customers blind to threats within the network physical layer. These systems often attempt to detect malicious activity based on interface and data flow health, by which time the damage is already done.
FFT’s fiber optic technology is designed to detect and locate disturbances, intrusion attempts, tampering, and data tapping activities to within +/- 5 metres along data networks. This can be applied anywhere from local data centre LANs to long distance WAN transport reaching thousands of kilometres in length. By utilizing the unused ‘dark fibers’ within the network cable, the technology ensures absolute integrity of the data traffic. FFT does not intercept, process or monitor the data packets. This allows customers with all levels of data sensitivity to monitor their networks without concern.
FFT offers solutions that pinpoint physical network disturbances and provide actionable alarms that enable network administrators to isolate the problem, reroute network traffic and respond to the threat - providing visibility of the physical layer currently missed by many network management and security platforms.
Subsea and terrestrial power cables are subject to a range of threats – from copper theft and malicious damage to anchor drag. To make the fast and well-informed decisions needed to protect cable infrastructure, operators require a proven solution that detects criminal activity, attacks or accidental damage at the earliest possible stage.
Using FFT’s laser-based fibre optic sensing technologies, unauthorized or unplanned tampering, theft and disturbance events can be detected, located and managed along the entire cable length - quickly and easily. This advanced detection capability is not just limited to the cable itself. By configuring the system’s sensitivity appropriately, detection can extend to areas parallel to the sensitive cable. System uptime and availability may also be improved by monitoring and anticipating accidental damage by anchor drops and boat activities, seismic or other intrusive human activity.